
We provide quality healthcare services with priority to the most vulnerable the communities we serve, children, mothers, elders:

  • We manage rural healthcare facilities;

  • We train staff to ensure they can provide professional and compassionate care;

  • We provide outreach services, including community health education and medical assistance, in remote areas to ensure hard to reach populations can access health care.


Pastoral Care & Vocational Ministry

We support the communities we serve in their spiritual growth:

  • We engage youth in sports, choirs, prayers and spiritual reflections;

  • We visit families to pray with them and bring the holy communion to the sick;

  • We help in the parishes with catechism and celebrations.

We accompany youth, especially young women, in discerning their vocation to become missionaries:

  • We organize meetings and events for girls to come and visit our communities and learn about missionary life;

  •  We train girls and young women to become missionary sisters.


Schools & Education

We focus on early childhood care and development (ECCD) to ensure children set good foundations for their life and can grow physically and cognitively in a nurturing and loving environment:

  • We manage and support rural preschools, where children coming from vulnerable households are given priority of access;

  • We engage parents and caregivers in their children education process, to ensure they play an active role in their growth;

  • We train teachers and educators to ensure they adopt appropriate teaching methodologies.

We also accompany vulnerable children and youth in their education journey to ensure they complete their education cycle in spite of lacking resources and can build a better future for themselves and their families:

  • We sponsor youth until they finish secondary school;

  • We provide free education resources (e.g. libraries, internet access, study groups, etc.);

  • We provide orientation and support to access the labor market (e.g. how to write a CV, etc.).

We pay particular attention to special educational needs of children living with disabilities, to ensure they can access education:

  • We equip parents and caregivers and those providing services to children with disabilities with skills to be able to provide better care (e.g. sign language training);

  • We provide aids and assistive devices to people with physical disabilities;

  • We facilitate referrals to specialized services (e.g. schools for the deaf, etc.).


  • We help families increase and diversify their income so as to be able to take care of their needs;

  • We help youth acquire skills and tools to increase their employment or self-employment opportunities.

We address social and cultural practices which discriminate people and prevent them from living a dignified life:

  • We raise awareness on and manage cased of gender-based violence (GBV), child abuse, etc.;

  • We provide support to obtain documents to access services (e.g. birth registration);

  • We work with youth to promote positive health behaviors and to minimize stigma (e.g. around HIV/AIDS).

Social Services & Human Promotion

We help families meet their basic needs:

  • We facilitate access to water availing boreholes and setting up community water distribution points.

How We Work

We serve the most vulnerable with compassion and excellence, regardless of their religious affiliation.

We live within the communities we serve and we empower them to become agents of change and witnesses of the love of Jesus they received.

We believe families are the heart of our communities, thus we adopt a family centered approach, by which, whenever somebody accesses one of our services, we make sure the needs of all the family are assessed and addressed.

Our interventions are oriented by the needs of the communities we serve, we plan together our work and we adjust it to their changing priorities. 

We deliver services through the communities of our sisters and locally established charitable organizations to comply with the regulations of the countries we work in.